Sunday 5 December 2010

Saturday 4 December 2010

Tim & Allison's wedding

Just returned from attending the most magical wedding ever. Allison & Tims wedding in Greenwich at St Alfege Church. The service was beautiful and Tim's brother, Andrew Ashwin, who is a world renowned opera singer performed 2 songs which in the atmosphere of such a beautiful church was truly magical.

Thursday 2 December 2010

Too much snow

We have had exceptional levels of snow in the past 3 days as the pics below will testify

Hot, warming homemade vegetable soup

The poor fish are surviving somehow

icicles, dont you just love 'em

Tommy 'snow' Cooper

Looking like a wally but keeping warm

Its 6 inches deep for goodness sake!!!

Tuesday 30 November 2010

First snow of the winter

Well, its here, its arrived and it can jolly well go back home again.  It began snowing during the night and now its fairly steady.  Luckily we dont have far to go for a few days but hope it dosent spoil the big wedding on Saturday.

Why does it always arrive either too early or too late for Christmas itself

Wednesday 24 November 2010

Keeping Poultry and Rabbits on scraps

For those of us who keep chickens and rabbits i thought id draw your attention to a great little book.  Its a modern reprint of a book first issued in 1941 called 'Keeping poultry and rabbits on scraps' a Penguin book which originally cost 1/6 or 7.5p for those of you too young to recall pre decimalisation. (now i know i'm old)

It was issued during the war to encourage ordinary people with small back gardens to keep chickens and rabbits for the eggs and meat during times of rationing. Its a fascinating read, with the very prim and proper style of writing that you dont see today.

I love the way the author calls chickens " a humble and slightly ridiculous creature"

Monday 22 November 2010

Christmas cake

I make my own christmas cakes each year, adding the marzipan and icing too and decorating them. I love doing it even though i usually get frustrated when rolling the icing out as it sometimes splits.  I've made this years one and will be decorating it a little closer to Christmas.

This is last years effort and the year befores.

I'll post pics of this years one next month.

Im also making one for my cousin this year so will have 2 lots of fun and frustation.